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Native American Arts Festival Week Invitational Exhibition, “Still We Smile: Humor as Correction and Joy” curated by Meranda Roberts (Numu/Xicana)
The artist/curator led panel discussion takes place at 7 pm in the gallery.
A reception with Native Foods Taste Testing to follow at 8pm

This year’s invitational exhibition is curated by Meranda Roberts (Numu/Xicana) . The exhibition explores the concept of humor, and joy and its role within Indigenous communities to express love, share good humor, cope and correct behaviors.

Artists include: Rachel Martin (Tlingit), Jeremy Dennis (Shinnecock Indian Nation), River Garza (Tongva), Chelazon Leroux (Buffalo River Dene Nation), Zig Jackson (Mandan/Hidatsa/Akirara), and the late great, James Luna (Luiseño).


Native American Arts Festival Week 2023
June 18 – June 23, 2023
Exploring Comedy and Humor in Indigenous Expression

We are excited to welcome you to join us this summer for a week full of programming to complement our summer Native American Arts workshops. All events are free and open to the public. This year, we will creatively explore the special role that humor and comedy play in Indigenous communities across Indian Country.


June 19, 2023
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDT
Event Category:


IAF Campus: Parks Exhibition Center
A student modeling.

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